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Changing the Plan

This year started off strong, with daily Bible study posts that carried me through Genesis. However, as I continued reading, I realized that studying Scripture isn’t just about checking off chapters—it’s about digging deeper and truly understanding the text. My early readings took about 20 minutes, but as I progressed, I found myself spending over an hour on certain passages, piecing together themes and exploring how they connect to the larger story.

This deeper dive left me torn. I wanted to post regularly, but I also wanted to take time to explore the topics and write more detailed reflections—not just list verses. I started to feel discouraged by the gap between my initial plan and my progress. Then I came to an important realization: my primary goal is to understand the Bible, not to rush through it in a year. So, I’ve decided to let go of rigid deadlines and refocus on meaningful study.

Where do we go from here? It’s time to prioritize understanding Scripture over finishing quickly. I’ll be diving into key topics, reflecting on Genesis as a whole, and revisiting my original reading calendar to create a better plan for this journey. As a favorite quote from an old show puts it: "Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, and throw away the plan." And that’s exactly what I’m doing—adjusting the plan to align with my true purpose.

The Challenges of Deep Study

Through Genesis, I’ve been reading about 2.5 chapters of the Bible each day, with an average reading time of around 20 minutes. However, writing these summaries has been more challenging than I anticipated. There have been moments where I’ve agonized over how to capture what I’ve read without simply rewriting the text word-for-word.

Take the story of Judah and Tamar, for example. This chapter was a struggle. I firmly believe that everything in the Bible is included for a reason, and I didn’t want to skip over it. At the same time, I felt the need to summarize it in a way that was concise and clear without getting lost in every detail—like Judah’s three sons, how the wife of the first son was passed to the second after the first was killed for his wickedness, or how Judah unknowingly conceived twins with his daughter-in-law Tamar. In the end, I settled on this summary:

Judah left his family and found a Canaanite wife and had 3 sons: Er, Onan, and Shelah. Er and Onan were killed by God for their wickedness. Through broken promises and bad judgement, Judah unknowingly conceived twins named Perez and Zerah with his daughter-in-law Tamar. Genesis 38-40

This summary strikes a balance: it’s clear, concise, and helps me recall the key events without overwhelming detail. It reminds me that the story is complex, but it also allows me to focus on the main points for further reflection and study later.

Shifting the Focus: Understanding Over Speed

After falling behind, I started to feel discouraged about not being able to post daily as I had originally planned. During my reading time, I kept revisiting previous passages, adding a few notes here and there, but the lack of new posts left me feeling worse. In that moment, I decided to revisit my original goal, outlined in my Getting Started article.

My goal is simple: to read and study the entire Bible in a year, from Genesis to Revelation. But this project is about more than just finishing the Bible—it’s about deepening my understanding of God’s Word and sharing what I learn with anyone seeking the same.

That reminder shifted my perspective. Deepening my understanding of God’s Word has always been the heart of this study. The one-year timeline was helpful as a guide, but I realized I shouldn’t let it become a barrier to truly grasping the text. My focus needs to stay on understanding—not just finishing.

Adjusting the Plan: What’s Next?

My immediate priority is to revisit some of the topics I’ve identified but haven’t explored in depth yet. To keep everything organized, I’ll create a Topics Overview article that lists all the topics I’ve come across, along with references to the readings connected to each one. Additionally, I plan to write a Genesis Wrap-Up article to summarize the insights and lessons we’ve gained from completing that book.

Closing Paragraph

This journey is about more than just reading through the Bible—it’s about growing in understanding, reflecting on God’s Word, and sharing the insights gained along the way. While the original plan may have shifted, the purpose remains the same: to study Scripture with intention and care, without rushing through its depths. By revisiting topics, reflecting on what we’ve learned, and taking the time to truly absorb the stories and lessons, we can better appreciate the richness of God’s Word. Whether this takes a year, a year and a half, or even longer, the goal is to grow in faith and understanding, one step at a time. Let’s continue this journey together, with patience and purpose


