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A few months ago, I had an idea: create a personal database of Bible notes that could inspire others and serve as a helpful resource for studying Scripture. With Notion’s site-building tools, I now have the perfect way to share this journey with others.
My goal is simple: to read and study the entire Bible in a year, from Genesis to Revelation. But this project is about more than just finishing the Bible—it’s about deepening my understanding of God’s Word and sharing what I learn with anyone seeking the same.
I’ve been involved in my local church since I was young, growing up in a Christian home with a strong foundation of faith. But as I got older, I drifted. I never stopped believing in the truth of the Bible, but my actions didn’t always reflect the obedience God calls for. For a while, I was what I’d call Christian Adjacent, living in ways that didn’t align with what I knew was right.
Life changed when I got married and became a parent. I realized I wanted to give my children the same strong foundation of faith that I had been given. Picking up my Bible again, I started to search for answers—not just for them, but for myself.
At first, I turned to online resources like YouTube for guidance. While some were helpful, others left me more confused, leading me down rabbit holes of opinions and interpretations. That’s when I decided: I needed to start at the beginning and read the Bible for myself, without relying on someone else to tell me what it says.
Here’s how I’m approaching this year-long study and sharing process:
Daily Reading:
I’ll read a set group of chapters each day, keeping a physical journal to record my thoughts and observations. (Find my Reading Schedule Here)
Chapter Summaries:
Each group of chapters will have a dedicated journal page summarizing the key points and events. I’ll also include helpful shorthand notes, such as bullet points, lists, or charts, to organize the information.
Topic Tracking:
Transcribing Notes Online:
My physical notes, including summaries, topic studies, and visual aids (like charts or drawings), will be transcribed into a Notion database for easy access.
By combining physical journaling with digital organization, this method allows me to thoroughly engage with the text while creating a resource for others to follow along.
Reading the Bible can be a personal journey, but it’s also one that can inspire and encourage others. I hope this project will:
I believe the Bible is written so that even someone as simple as I am can understand it, given time and effort. Psalm 119:130 reminds me of this truth:
The entrance of Your words gives light;
It gives understanding to the simple. Psalm 119:130 (New King James Version)
Why are you doing this?
I believe we often rely too much on commentary about the Bible instead of engaging with the text itself. My goal is to strip away as much external interpretation as possible and focus on the Word directly.
Aren’t you commentating on what the Bible says?
Yes and no. My summaries and notes aim to present what’s in the text rather than interpret it. However, my long-form articles reflect my personal thoughts and opinions on certain topics based on what I’ve read.
Do you know everything?
Do you have a degree in Biblical Studies?
No. But I believe the Bible is accessible to anyone willing to read and reflect on it.
Can your opinion on a topic change?
Yes! As I read and learn more, my understanding will grow, and my perspective may shift.
Reading the Bible isn’t something we have to do alone. Here’s how you can join me:
Whether you’re a seasoned Bible reader, a beginner, or just curious about Scripture, I hope this project will encourage you to dive in. Let’s make this journey together, one chapter at a time.