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Judah left his family and found a Canaanite wife and had 3 sons: Er, Onan, and Shelah. Er and Onan were killed by God for their wickedness. Through broken promises and bad judgement, Judah unknowingly conceived twins named Perez and Zerah with his daughter-in-law Tamar. Meanwhile, Joseph was in Egypt as a slave to Potiphar an Egyptian captain. God was with Joseph and blessed all that he did, putting him in a position of power. While Potiphar was out, his wife tried to seduce Joseph, but Joseph ran away, was accused of attempted rape, and was thrown in prison. Even in prison Joseph was blessed and the prison guard put Joseph in charge of the other prisoners. Two officers of Pharaoh, a butler and a baker, had dreams and Joseph interpreted them. The interpretations were accurate and Joseph asked the butler to remember Joseph when he was released from prison.
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